Monday, June 11, 2007

Didja catch the Series Finale of the Sopranos? Oogats!

What did you all think about the ending? I couldn't tell what David Chase was going for. I know that he has bristled in the past about being questioned about how he has left subplots left just hanging out there in the Sopranos universe without ever addressing them again.

Like, isn't SOMEONE going to castrate the guy who raped Dr. Melfi? While were at it, why did Dr, Melfi become so unhot? Remember how she used to be kind of sexy? Why? Why did that have to end to and be unexplained. Well, you get the picture. In past interviews Chase has said that in real life, stories aren't always finished nice and easy in an easily explained way. This is true. In that sense, I can respect him. And as my friend Drew said, you have to give Chase his props for having the courage of his convictions and writing the ending the way he did.

I, personally, like the ending. He didn't do what people here in the States are so used to by this country's TV and cinema: happy, complete endings. I liked the fact that we, the viewers, are allowed to choose the ending that we like or think should happen. I, for one, think that Tony didn't get shot by the guy in the bathroom. Tony is a survivor. For all his "growth" in therapy, the guy is like a roach. He's gonna survive no matter what. If it's you and him in a room and only one of you can come out alive, my money is on Tony. If the Sopranos ever got to the point where the Feds finally got Tony, I might have been disappointed if Tony DIDN'T turn State's evidence. I only hope that Chase was staying, in his mind, true to the show and not going for a way to have people arguing over how the show should have ended. Then I just feel used.

As for what I didn't like about the way the show ended, I didn't like how Chase was making it seem that Paulie was helping out the New York family. He made it seem pretty obvious that someone was playing both sides of the fence. That and how Silvio got shot with his piece in his briefcase. WTF!!?!??!? But, as my friend Joe said, this is the same guy that had an asthma attack the first day he was left in charge in Tony's absentia.

The show ended with it's best season since season 5. It's sad in the sense that we don't have a great show to look forward to anymore on Sunday nights, especially for me and my friends who are really into Mob movies (which reminds me, we need to do movie club soon). At least we were treated to perhaps, the best writing on TV for the last 7 years and now we won't have to another year, year and a half for the next season. Now THAT was tortuous.


Andre said...

Brilliant finale. Chase didn't give the people what they wanted, or expected. It was refreshing. The anticipation he built, the suspense, the questions, the anxiety he created through his writing and directing were perfect. The final scene, begging you to believe Tony was about to bite the bullet by using every cliche mob movie formula (the happy couple in the corner, the group of cub scouts, the door opening, the suspicious character walking to the bathroom), then leaving you hanging... how else could they have truly ended such an involved series? He did a great job.

nohedidnt said...

I didn't watch the Sopranos finale. But since guys haven't been chattering about this topic. I thought I'd see what people thought about Rasheed Wallace possibliy being traded to the Knicks.

Don't Believe the Hype said...

Andre! Brilliant Finale? WTF you talking about?
I think you had a little too much Ziti and Presidentes before the episode started. The episode revolved too much around Tony’s immediate Family instead of the problems at hand. Like I give a flying rats ass about what happens to AJ. Tony should have gone out like Scarface with that M-16. Sucks! I’m never watching the Sopranos again. I’m waiting for The Wire.

Drew said...

See, that's the funny thing: some Mobster movies that are supposedly criticizing violence, present it in such graphic and visually artistic terms, the viewers, instead of abhorring the guns, blood, and steel, seek perverse pleasure from it. We get to be the gangsters of our angry imaginations. What makes The Sopranos great is that it shows we are dreaming of lives that are hedonistic, selfish, childish, and greedy: and being all those things would lead to miserable lives. People want to know what’s going to happen to Tony Soprano, but we already know what's going to happen to him. What happened to his father? his mother? his mental patient Uncle? Bitter Johnny Sack? Big Pussy? Christopher? Miserable ends. It is easy to actually admire the life and death of Scarface and want to emulate it. His death makes him seem larger than life, but The Sopranos is more like the Godfather, in that at the end, Tony, like Michael before him, doesn’t die or go to jail; he has the worst punishment of all: living the life he has chosen. That’s why the stupidity of his son is important. Think about how it would feel to have A.J as a legacy? And to have to watch it.

Luis M. Espinoza said...

Yeah. Is there a worse legacy - as a mob boss - than to have AJ as your legacy? What a stunad.

What did you think of the ending though in particular? It reminded me of those old "Choose Your Own Adventure" books. Remember those? I'm choosing to think he's still the fat-ass he is eating the best onion rings in Jersey. A question though: Is that much of a compliment? It's Jersey. Oh!

Anonymous said...

I have mixed feelings about the end of the show. On one had I think it is creative and thought provoking and on the other I feel unsatisfied and wanting more.

As for Dr. Melfi and Tony's "break up" I was disappointed. Dr. Melfi's appearance did change but she did not have to change her treatment style too. To me it was way out of character for her and showed poor practice. Well, maybe like in many break ups they will get back together and try again with the hope that things will be different the second time around.

Jess said...

As far as series finales go I think it was pretty good, it left me wanting more yet I don't think there's a lot more they could develop from here. I think Chase did actually tie up loose ends granted a lot of that was accomplished by killing half the crew but hey if it means they can't push a movie then it works.

As far as the last scene goes I don't think it was trying to push any specific ending, I agree with Lou's choose-your-own-ending theory. Although I admit I was waiting for Meadow to get hit while she was parking her car, moreso than I was expecting the lumberjack dude to get Tony, I saw the two weird guys more as the feds coming to get him, but whatever.

Andre said...


Are you having a panic attack? Do you need Melfi? The show is called The Sopranos. It has always been about the family life, with some mob stuff thrown in for the mob and violence junkies. I also thought Tony was going down in a blaze, as well as the rest of the world. That is why the ending was so brilliant. American audiences always want the gratuitous (insert vice here). At the end of it all, this show was always about The Sopranos "immediate" family coping with the Sopranos "crime" family. Chase had you on the edge of your seat, waiting for that hail of bullets. He purposely showed all those scenes with Tony and the "Super Gun" knowing that everyone would expect him to use it. He played off the fact that we chew up those mob cliches. Every scene since the moment Phil called the hit was a clinic in anticipation and suspense. You want glorified gun violence, go watch Miami Vice the movie. You can cheer as the thin, un-interesting storyline unfolds to an anticlimactic, highly stylized ending. I was never a HUGE fan of the Sopranos until the last three seasons. I thought it was a nice twist. AND it was a really comedic episode. There were soe really funny parts.

As far as watching the Sopranos ever again... I'm pretty sure this was the last episode. That's the rumor.

Luis M. Espinoza said...


Yeah I thought thats what was great or messed up about the finale: he was playing with our emotions. He was building emotion showing Meadow parking, or having problems parking. I kept thinking, "Is she gonna walk in as the guys starts shooting her family?". It was well done. And Andre is right, they have always featured the family and had the mob business shown as it was any other job. Well, except for some of the excesses of the job. We kept wanting the show to become "Goodfellas" but it stayed as a steroid injected "Ozzie and Harriet". You know, if Ozzie kept banging anything he could get his hands on and ordered hits every now and then. Other than that, just like it. With bad hair.

Unknown said...

I guarantee after you read this most of you, if you haven't already, will be tuning into HBO in-demand tonight and replaying that last scene again.

Read below.....a couple of emails I got about the last scene....
Definitely make it better than I originally thought. Actually makes it pretty damn good!

1. People in the diner in the sopranos last night:

Guy at counter was Nicky Leotardo, Phil's nephew

2 Black guys were the ones that tried to shoot Tony in an earlier
season but missed and clipped his ear.

The truck driver was the brother of someone robbed and killed by
Christopher in season 2.

Cub scouts were witnesses in the train store when Bobby got shot.

Do you remember the convo that bobby and Tony had two episodes ago in the boat, about getting whacked?

He said if you were to get whacked, you would never see it coming and it would just be like everything would go black all of a sudden...

2. I got this from a friend, who has alot of time on his hands, it makes a lot of sense

Ok listen guys...u gotta watch the end of the episode again and watch is what you'll c...when tony walks into the diner he looks at himself sitting down at the table...u can be sure of this b/c he is wearing different clothes when he sits down...i dont no wtf that previous seasons it had been told to us that tony's dad died just as his daughter (janus) walked in...if u watch closely u will see janus walk in shortly after tony sits down...this is used to signify the possibility of that happening again...then u will c the sports store owner who tony destroyed walk in wearing a brown kinda hunting jacket...he is the guy that a couple seasons ago got into gambling trouble with tony and tony took over his store...HE IS THE 1 WHO WACKS TONY...he comes in and sits down hunched over...hiding his eyes as not wanting to be noticed...and alas..."u probably dont even here it when it happens right?" (this is bobby talking to tony in the 1st episode of the season...tony had this flashback as he was laying down in the last episode...there would be no reason to have had that in unless it had some huge significance)...and finally...tonys daughter walking in to c her dad get shot just as janus did so many years ago...u hear the bell of her walking in and then signifies the neverending cycle of the soprano family...aj will become tony...meadow will become janus...carmela will become livia (tonys mom)...and cycle of violence goes on and on and on....absolutlely amazing...i HATED the ending at first...but when i watched it again...and understood is really the most amazing ending possible for the show...we really would not have been satisfied with the boring u c tony get shot ending...this was priceless...remember..this was not an action was a drama

about a FAMILY....

Luis M. Espinoza said...

Holy crap. I remember that he was wearing different shirts but I just figured it was some mistake on their parts. If thats the what he meant to happen, that is awesome. I DVR'd the episode im going to watch it again tonight, or at least the last 5 minutes. Thanks for that Rick.

Drew said...

Not to be too much of a contrarian, but here is a post from a writer from a NJ newspaper: -Not from Chase, but I feel the need to debunk the e-mail that's making the rounds about all the Holsten's patrons being characters from earlier in the series. The actor playing Member's Only guy had never been on the show before, Tony killed at least, one if not both of his carjackers, and there are about 17 other things wrong with this popular but incorrect theory.

I, personally, am not saying the theory is wrong for sure, but to me, that type of ending isn't consistent with the tone of the show, and is exactly the huge dramatic ending, Chase seems to be avoiding.

Luis M. Espinoza said...

Rick, I saw the episode again and those things didnt happen. Except for one thing: the Bobby Baccala and Tony thing in the rowboat. He was whacked. And I would think it was the guy who went into the bathroom..Godfather style. As for him wearing a different shirt? No. Or the guy who owned the sporting good store being there? No. And no, Janice does NOT walk in. We would have caught that one. But I do think he was whacked. All because of the way Chase built the scene up and that convo with Bobby.

Unknown said...

Ok.... Peeped it again last nite and there are some discrepencies on what I posted earlier (which I should've validated before laying it out there). But from what I saw, there definitely were some right on point. For instance, Tony coming in and seeing himself sitting at the booth (wearing a different shirt).... I saw Janice come in......The boy scout group which was in the toy store when Bobby was wacked.... As for the guy that owned the sporting good store, I can't say cause I never caught that episode but he looked shaky from the jump with his Elmer Fudd attire.

Anonymous said...

Rick, it's quite possible that the blank, silent ending is metaphoric for what you actually experience when you die, which I think is brilliant on David Chase's part. When Tony looks up, he's looking torwards the direction of the door, which was a 90 degree turn away from the bathroom. It's likely that the killer returned from the bathroom and shot him in the head.

Having said that, I've seen every Sopranos season at least twice and all those characters you mention from previous episodes were not in the diner during that last scene. Those two brothers were not the same dudes that tried to kill him. The sporting goods store owner that lost the store to Tony over a card game is NOT in that scene. Neither is Janice.

Therein lies David Chase's brilliance. He has us making up pretty interesting endings and, thus, allowing for the Soprano brand name to prosper for years.

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Its really a great show I have ever seen on television. Its all episodes are great. Cast is superb and plot is interesting. Overall The Sopranos TV Show is the best show.

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