Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Former Reagan Official Warns of Threat to Constitutional Democracy.

I know some of you think that I may be a little paranoid, but I thought that this article is scary if you think about it. If a former Reagan official is speaking out about this, its gotta be bad. What do you people think of this? And yes, I do believe that the Keennedy assasination was a conspiracy and i'm still not sold that we landed on the moon. I'm kidding about the moon thing.

This was brought to you by way of Josh's dad, Matt.

Impeach Now
Or Face the End of Constitutional Democracy

By Paul Craig Roberts

counterpunch- July 16, 2007

Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a
year from now the US could be a dictatorial police state
at war with Iran.

Bush has put in place all the necessary measures for
dictatorship in the form of "executive orders" that are
triggered whenever Bush declares a national emergency.
Recent statements by Homeland Security Chief Michael
Chertoff, former Republican senator Rick Santorum and
others suggest that Americans might expect a series of
staged, or false flag, "terrorist" events in the near

Many attentive people believe that the reason the Bush
administration will not bow to expert advice and public
opinion and begin withdrawing US troops from Iraq is
that the administration intends to rescue its unpopular
position with false flag operations that can be used to
expand the war to Iran.

Too much is going wrong for the Bush administration: the
failure of its Middle East wars, Republican senators
jumping ship, Turkish troops massed on northern Iraq's
border poised for an invasion to deal with Kurds, and a
majority of Americans favoring the impeachment of Cheney
and a near-majority favoring Bush's impeachment. The
Bush administration desperately needs dramatic events to
scare the American people and the Congress back in line
with the militarist-police state that Bush and Cheney
have fostered.

William Norman Grigg recently wrote that the GOP is
"praying for a terrorist strike" to save the party from
electoral wipeout in 2008. Chertoff, Cheney, the neocon
nazis, and Mossad would have no qualms about saving the
bacon for the Republicans, who have enabled Bush to
start two unjustified wars, with Iran waiting in the
wings to be attacked in a third war.

The Bush administration has tried unsuccessfully to
resurrect the terrorist fear factor by infiltrating some
blowhard groups and encouraging them to talk about
staging "terrorist" events. The talk, encouraged by
federal agents, resulted in "terrorist" arrests hyped by
the media, but even the captive media was unable to
scare people with such transparent sting operations.

If the Bush administration wants to continue its wars in
the Middle East and to entrench the "unitary executive"
at home, it will have to conduct some false flag
operations that will both frighten and anger the
American people and make them accept Bush's declaration
of "national emergency" and the return of the draft.
Alternatively, the administration could simply allow any
real terrorist plot to proceed without hindrance.

A series of staged or permitted attacks would be spun by
the captive media as a vindication of the
neoconsevatives' Islamophobic policy, the intention of
which is to destroy all Middle Eastern governments that
are not American puppet states. Success would give the
US control over oil, but the main purpose is to
eliminate any resistance to Israel's complete absorption
of Palestine into Greater Israel.

Think about it. If another 9/11-type "security failure"
were not in the works, why would Homeland Security czar
Chertoff go to the trouble of convincing the Chicago
Tribune that Americans have become complacent about
terrorist threats and that he has "a gut feeling" that
America will soon be hit hard?

Why would Republican warmonger Rick Santorum say on the
Hugh Hewitt radio show that "between now and November, a
lot of things are going to happen, and I believe that by
this time next year, the American public's (sic) going
to have a very different view of this war."

Throughout its existence the US government has staged
incidents that the government then used in behalf of
purposes that it could not otherwise have pursued.
According to a number of writers, false flag operations
have been routinely used by the Israeli state. During
the Czarist era in Russia, the secret police would set
off bombs in order to arrest those the secret police
regarded as troublesome. Hitler was a dramatic
orchestrator of false flag operations. False flag
operations are a commonplace tool of governments.

Ask yourself: Would a government that has lied us into
two wars and is working to lie us into an attack on Iran
shrink from staging "terrorist" attacks in order to
remove opposition to its agenda?

Only a diehard minority believes in the honesty and
integrity of the Bush-Cheney administration and in the
truthfulness of the corporate media.

Hitler, who never achieved majority support in a German
election, used the Reichstag fire to fan hysteria and
push through the Enabling Act, which made him dictator.
Determined tyrants never require majority support in
order to overthrow constitutional orders.

The American constitutional system is near to being
overthrown. Are coming "terrorist" events of which
Chertoff warns and Santorum promises the means for
overthrowing our constitutional democracy?

[Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the
Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate
Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and
Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor
of The Tyranny of Good Intentions. He can be reached at:
PaulCraigRoberts@yahoo.com ]


Anonymous said...

Were your vision of just deserts for President Bush to become a reality, it would have to consider the eventual mushroom cloud over Israel, and the fact that popular opinion (and Iranian Nukes) killed another 8 million Jews. You cannot possibly think that your rationalizations will protect your sanity from the fact that you contributed to the prevention of a preemptive strike on Iran and ultimately the deaths of 20 to 30 million people. That's right, because before the mushroom cloud dissipates over what used to be Israel, the United States will have no choice but to launch a nuclear bombardment of Iran. The 20 or 30 million Iranians that die in the initial blasts will certainly not thank you for allowing their government to do what even they themselves disagreed with (nuclear proliferation). But what about the additional 10 million or so that would die from radiation poisoning, environmental contamination, disease, famine, cancer, etc, etc.. Folks all over the world seem to think they have claimed the moral high ground because they give no credence to preemptive tactics or even to tactical necessities in the face of existential threats. But there are consequences to be had for all of humanity by allowing despotic government’s access to the means to destroy life on a scale unheard and unthinkable for almost 70 years.

Ernesto Malave Jr. said...

You want scary? Check this out:

The Bush Family Agenda

Andre said...

Interesting article.

I'm a resident conspiracy theorist. I believe the government does a lot of shady stuff(i.e. Aids, crack, 9/11). Reading this article just re-ignites the flames of skepticism I feel when our nation "Remembers Sept. 11". There are so many holes in the 9/11 saga that I can't even take it seriously anymore. 9/11 was definitely one of these "false flag operations".

A few years ago I sent out a link to a video that was almost 2 hours long and breaks down all the holes in the 9/11 saga. I couldn't find that same video a few weeks after it came out. I'm sure it was removed from the web. But I did find this one, which punches holes in the Pentagon 9/11 attack much bigger than the actual hole in the building. you may have seen it, or something like it, before. If not, Watch it and give YOUR ideas:


the other video I saw those years ago goes on to show many other inconsistancies and questions about 9/11 on the whole, including small explosions cascading down the infrastructure of the twin towers just before they collapsed. It plays what seem to be staged 911 emergnecy calls and call home from people that were on the planes to loved ones. The one that I remember, that stood out the most, was a call made by a man to his mother in which he says:

"Hey, mom. Its me... 'Andre Soto'. I'm on a plane with terrorists..."

NOw, I don't know what type of relationship anyone out there has with their parents, but if I'm calling my mom, i don't feel the need to state my whole name for the record. And I've never been in a hijack situation, but I think I would be a bit more emotional and there would be a lot more noise in the background.

So what did happen? I guess we'll never know the truth. We will be allowed to make our theories, but they will be refuted by men supposedly much smarter than us, who have been paid by people much richer than us, to say the right things. Things that may be true (structural engineering and such), but just serve to throw us off the path of truth.

Did two planes hit the towers? Of course. We all watched it happen. and I'm sure there were terrorists flying those planes. But the gov't didn't do anything about it and let it happen. They used it as an excuse to pull out the war drum and rally the troops. But did a group of rebelious corporate executives and other random passengers rally in the cabin of a doomed plane and overthrow the terrorists, taking the plane down in a conveniently deserted field in pennsylvania? Or did the gov't conjure up this magical heroic illusion to provide a bit of glory to an otherwise dark day in American history and cover up the fact that they shot that plane down? Have you ever seen actual plane wreckage of the crash in PA? Or the Pentagon? Were these two incidents added by our govt to insure that 9/11 would be felt outside the realm of NYC, and be seen as a national threat. I mean, the terrorists hit the pentagon! We are in danger! please.

The "plane" that hit the pentagon was most likely a remote drone released from a military aircraft and flown into the building, which would define why eyewitness accounts speak of a "missile". (why do the call it a missile, and not a hittle... hmmm. Maybe George Carlin would know the answer).

Ehhh.. I could go on and on about this. What do you people out there think?

Anonymous said...

Interesting but this argument was voiced back during the 04 elections, at which time such a thing would have at least a ring of truth to it,given that, at least in theory, such a very thing did indeed take place so to speak ( i.e. fear mongering to get himself re-elected). However, I take issue with the fundamental premise on which the author bases his argument, that executive orders can create conditions that would allow Bush to remain in power. First, executive orders are not laws... they are statements that directive to subordinates in the executive branch. They have no control over the judiciary or the legislative branches of the government. Second, even if one wanted to pretend that they were law, the would in no way trump the constitution. Remember that all laws in the United States are subject to judicial review. Meaning that the courts and the justices that sit on them, would have to lay down the ego's and pride and just look the other way while this took place. Not likely given that most of these people have spent there entire adult life trying to acquire these judicial powers. Finally, Bush already knows how to retain power without resorting to fantasy legal theories... he knows how to just out right scare people in to thinking they need him. But remember, republicans love Ronald Regan more than they love W and he couldn't get an extra 4 years (especially since he was the president who put life back in to theory of executive orders allowing presidents to rule as they please) then certainly G-Dub won't.


Luis M. Espinoza said...

First off, i'd like to say thank you to Mr. Sims for commenting on the article that was written by Mr. Roberts.

Unfortunately E, I couldn't use the hyperlink you left, if possible, could you include the actual link so I can see what youre talking about?

Martin, I take it when you write, "Just desserts", you mean Bush being impeached. Right? Do you believe that our President has been unjustly scorned for what has happened in this country? While I may admit that this article may sound a little "doomsday-ish" in its delivery, but the core of its content is something that I think that noone can deny. This administration has continually lied to the American people over the course of its time in power. Either they lied about something of major importance and with great ramifications. Not oral sex big, but big none the less. Or maybe they are just incredibly, indelibly inept. One could make the argument for either of these scenarios to be true, ill give you that. However, given either of these options, should this country then depend on this administration to carry out a political and/or forceful resolution to this predicament that the world finds itself in? I don't know. I dont believe that you really get what "folks" in this country are all riled up about. I understand the value of a preemptive strike, but after crying wolf so many times, the American public is somewhat jaded now.

And Ron, while I hear what youre saying, and it makes sense, the judicial branch of government is now in teh back pocket of this administration. Bush made that the case right after he got re-elected, which was why this past election was so important. And, the thing is, Good Old Ronnie never had the luxury of being a war time president.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was referring to the desire on the part of far too many people to see our President disgraced.

People are quite simply wrong when they accuse anyone of lying about the Iraqi WMD intelligence. It is a popular belief among Iraqi war critics and democrats in general, but it simply is not true. The fact is that even the best analysts of the world's most successful intelligence agencies can and do (at least occasionally) read the evidence incorrectly. That is not a lie, nor can any statements made by their leaders that may have been based on such conclusions be considered an outright lie. The real question should be "how did so many of the world's great intelligence agencies get it wrong?"

I believe that the answer is threefold. First of all, answers can be found in Saddam's paranoid logic. He believed that it was better to risk the wrath of the world's greatest superpowers, than to let his neighbors know that he was not as militarily capable as he had been. Secondly, vast amounts of chemical and biological weapons were never accounted for by Iraq or the United Nations. Last is the basic fact that all of the intelligence agencies around the world were saying pretty much the same thing. It would seem that the agencies were vetting information through each other rather than vetting the sources of the information itself.

At the time, Saddam’s own disinformation machine was in high gear shouting the UN's reports to the heavens in the hopes that he could stall any definitive actions until his weapons programs were completed. Today we see the Iranian mouthpieces doing exactly the same thing. The simple and deadly fact of the matter is that they only need one nuclear device to change the world in a most horrific and devastating way.

The United Nations does not represent the United States let alone any other government in the world, nor does it have any incentive to protect the United States or it's citizens and the UN has in fact proven itself time and again to be completely ineffective when it comes to accurately gaging the capabilities and or intentions of hostile regimes.

Western leaders on the other hand have every incentive to be as forthright and as honest as prudence and national security allows. Western leaders and the citizens they represent are not the fools Iran would have us to be. We know with little doubt or uncertainty that when a hostile, terrorist regime such as can be found in Tehran says openly that they are working towards the capability of producing weapons grade materials on an industrial scale and furthermore that they intend to destroy Israel, and then add to that the massive construction projects and security programs currently underway in their country, perhaps, just possibly, they might be a threat.

My apologies for the lack of connectivity related to my comments.

I may be reached at:
and my own political journal may be found at: http://americanpoliticaljournal.blogspot.com/

Drew said...

I am not agreeing with Martin in any way, but I must say I found this article to be horrid. There was such little evidence for his wild claims, and he inferences were clearly weak logic. for example, when he says "Why would Republican warmonger Rick Santorum say on the
Hugh Hewitt radio show that "between now and November, a
lot of things are going to happen, and I believe that by
this time next year, the American public's (sic) going
to have a very different view of this war." This is really bad logic. Rick Santorum could have meant any number of things would happen, but to suggest he knows about a terrorist attack....that is absurd. To say the goverment knew 9/11 was going to happen is absurd. Instead of watching conspiracy documentaries and short propoganda clips, actually read some books about 9/11 and you will see there is no real credence to these theories.

I am going to leave you all with a quote from Barack Obama:

I’ve never believed there are a bunch of people out there who are pulling all the strings and pressing all the buttons. And the reason is that the older I get, the more time I spend meeting people in government or in the corporate arena, the more human everybody becomes. What I do believe is that those with money, those with influence, those with control over how resources are allocated in our society, are very protective of their interests, and they can rationalize infinitely the reasons why they should have more money and power than anyone else, why that’s somehow good for the society as a whole.
Barack Obama

Ernesto Malave Jr. said...


Luis M. Espinoza said...

I reluctantly agree with what you wrote Drew. I think that there is a place for conspiracy theories. Usually, the only purpose they serve is to keep you alert to what COULD happen. In reality, I would believe that this administration, by playing to peoples fears, have done the same exact thing that they ridicule conspiracy theorists out there.

And, if you are saying that this administrations intelligence was just sub-par, then again I have to ask, why should we trust that tehy will be able to handle this situation? If they aren't liars - as I said may veey well be the case - then they are inept. I really dont want to list everything that they have been completely wrong about. Im sure that you are tired of people by now for pointing this out. If they are wrong time and time again, how does that garner your undying support?

Below is a great article - in my opinion - that appeared in Mother Jones last year. Its a timeline that illustrates, quite succinctly, how far off this administration was and, if they werent lying, man are they completely wrong on stuff. Martin, if you like, read it and then verify if what they are saying is true. Ultimately, if some despot in the Middle East is claiming to have this and that (WMD's) and we have the intelligence that states otherwise (as you will see in the article), why would we listen to him? Why are we wasting all this money on intelligence when all it takes is some crazy leader to state otherwise and then we go to war? What about the disinformation machine by our government basically saying that Iraq was behind 9/11? That is blatant misinformation, not bad intelligence. Up until a little more than a year ago, more than half this country still believed that Iraq was behind it. Why do you think that is? Do you think it was just an accident? The sad thing is, that there still is a decent amount of people that still believe this to be true.


Please read it and verify or denounce what they wrote.

Luis M. Espinoza said...

Just so its clear, I know you are not suporting this administration Drew. I just read what I wrote and noticed that I didnt mention Martin by name.

Anonymous said...

I would be foolish indeed were I to try and suggest that the Bush administration has not made mistakes. However, does the realization that mistakes will be made adequately argue for doing nothing or not doing enough? Has there ever been a president that did not make mistakes in the implementation of their policies? I don’t believe that the situation in which we find ourselves would be significantly different if Gore or any other candidate were currently in the Oval Office. Because what we are experiencing is the result of reactions to significant threats to the U.S., the greater Middle East, and Israel. I find it unlikely that any leader (potential or real) of the United States would have ignored the advice of the intelligence community, the Pentagon, an the consensus of the global intelligence apparatus. I am going to go now and read your suggested article now, Luis…

Anonymous said...

Wow, where to begin. I think that this is great material for a point-counterpoint post on “an American Political Journal.” On the face of it, the claims and arguments are conspiratorial by their very nature and as such I consider them to be disingenuous. For example, so much has been made of the “Yellow Cake” procurement intelligence that many on the left of the Iraq war would have you believe indicates that the Bush administration lied to the American people and the global community. However, the Niger uranium forgery refers to falsified classified documents initially revealed by Italian intelligence. These documents depicted an attempt by the regime of Iraq's Saddam Hussein to purchase yellowcake uranium from Niger during the Iraq disarmament crisis.
On the basis of these documents and other indicators, the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom asserted (incorrectly, not dishonestly) that Iraq had attempted to procure nuclear material for the purpose of creating weapons of mass destruction in defiance of United Nations sanctions. This was further complicated by the CIA sending (at the request of his wife) a so-called diplomat to speak with members of the Nigerian government and determine the truth behind the Italian intelligence documents. The Bush administration ultimately discounted his assertions that there was no corroborating evidence because of his outspoken opposition to attacking Iraq in addition to the statements of a Nigerian official who claimed (and still does) that he had told the ambassador that he had personally met with several Iraqi officials interested in acquiring yellow cake.

Anonymous said...

According to The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Ambassador Wilson was not in fact completely candid about the information he provided to the CIA upon his return from Niger.

According to The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence 2004 report...

"[Wilson's] intelligence report indicated that former Nigerian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mayaki was unaware of any contracts that had been signed between Niger and any rogue states for the sale of yellowcake while he was Prime Minister (1997-1999) or Foreign Minister (1996-1997). Mayaki said that if there had been any such contract during his tenure, he would have been aware of it. Mayaki said, however, that in June 1999, (REDACTED) businessman, approached him and insisted that Mayaki meet with an Iraqi delegation to discuss "expanding commercial relations" between Niger and Iraq. The intelligence report said that Mayaki interpreted 'expanding commercial relations' to mean that the delegation wanted to discuss uranium yellowcake sales. The intelligence report also said that "although the meeting took place, Mayaki let the matter drop due to the UN sanctions on Iraq."

Mayaki told Ambassador Wilson about this meeting, but Wilson did not share the information with the CIA at the time because it did not fit with his personal feelings about Bush’s foreign policy. I personally feel that Wilson defied the oaths he had taken to protect the United States and it’s interests above his own, and should have been charged appropriately.

Unknown said...

The conspiracy theories in this article are just plain nuts. The good thing about this one though is if you re-read it in 14 months, you will see that most of this stuff didnt actually happen.

The thing about most conspiarcy theories that survive is they are breaking down events in the PAST. Using creative editing and a doomsday soundtrack behind a monotone voice laying out all the "evidence" about how things really went down. The key though is that there is no way to be sure they were wrong or right, it is subject to the opinions of the people arguing.

Remeber the Millenium??? I thought it would be the back to the dark ages starting jan 1 2000. I guess those conspirators were wrong.

If anybody has any news of conspiracy theorists making a prediction that ends up actualy happening, please share.(no Onion articles please)

Luis M. Espinoza said...


Sorry I havent been able to respond sooner. I have a one month old at home.

Im going to look into what you wrote, but I would first like to ask you two things:

1. How come if this article is indeed incorrect about some of its statements, THEY are, "conspiratorial by their very nature and as such I consider them to be disingenuous", yet, when this administation - which has billions of dollars invested in intelligence and has a responsibility to the estimated 300 Million people living here - they are just wrong. Just simply wrong. No bad intentions at all.

2. Before we start going over the Mother Jones piece line by line, I would like to hear what you think about what I stated earlier, in terms of the misinformation about Iraq having something to do with 9/11. Do you believe that the American public was misinformed about Iraq by accident?

Anonymous said...

Luis, congratulations, is this your first child or are you experienced?

When I say that it is conspiratorial by nature I am saying that the only plausible explanation to Mother Jones in considering the Bush administration's statements and actions is to take the very worst of Howard Dean and the DNC’s theories regarding any particular statement or action and post it in their timeline as a fact. I used the example of the “Nigerian Yellowcake” incident because I’ve never actually seen any factual reports about what happened.

You seem to be asking the question, why give credence to the intelligence community since they missed the 9/11 attacks? The fact is that the same intelligence community has gotten it very right more often than not. Unfortunately, the work they do does not lend itself to bragging and so when they are most successful, we will never even know about it, conversely, when they are wrong, we are never allowed by their detractors to forget it.

I believe that the Bush administration and Congress (both houses, both parties) were anxious to go to war with Iraq because it served all of their individual senses of duty. You must know that a politician never does anything that have reason to believe will make them look bad, whether that means 10 minutes down the road or 10 years. They all did and voted the way they did because they (democrats and republicans) honestly felt they were doing the right thing at the time.

Luis M. Espinoza said...


It is my first child and as such, sleep and spare time are not as abundant as they once were.

As far as what I asked earlier, I meant to ask exactly what I wrote when I posed the question to you: Do you believe that this administration intentionally misinformed the public at the very least in that Iraq was connected to 9/11. Im not talking about not trusting our government because they were wrong in the past.

Did this government mislead the public about Iraq's involvement in the destruction of the Twin Towers?

Anonymous said...

I don't believe so, for the fact that even though it has never been conclusively proven (a link between the 9/11 attacks & Saddam), their was sufficient evidence at the time to suggest that Saddam's Iraq was more than a mere supporter of terrorism. From his $10,000 payments to the families of suicide bombers, to the Salman Pak terror training camp where terrorists learned air piracy on an actual jet fuselage, and the known fact that when the terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was wounded while fighting in Afghanistan, he found sanctuary in Iraq under Saddam and was even cared for in Saddam's personal medical facility.

I find it unsettling to think that the bar may have been set so high as a result of 9/11, that concepts of actionable intelligence and reliable evidence are almost meaningless. What does it take to come to a conclusion about something as simple as whether Saddam was in fact supporting terrorism, financing their training and providing them safe haven in which to tend their wounds and regroup. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was in fact working and fighting with Bin Laden in Afghanistan, so when he showed up in Bagdad, the idea that Saddam was in league with Al Qaeda was a simple and safe conclusion to make. From that point it becomes an imperative that one at least consider the possibility that Saddam may have been in on 9/11 or in the least that he knew about it beforehand.

Luis M. Espinoza said...

The 9/11 Commission certainly thought that there was enough evidence to prove that Saddam had nothing to do with the attacks that day. Lets just say that maybe he knew of an attack that was going to take place here in the US, does that mean we then invade his country and then set up a failing occupation? I dont see how one leads to another.

The bar has been set pretty low for this administration because of numerous huge failures. Not petty inconsequential ones.

Furthermore, I dont see how you can trust this administration to be able to decypher what is and is not actionable intelligence. If you read what the article states, there are direct quotes as to how wrong they were. At the very least, I dont see how - it seems that only this administration knows what actionable intelligence is. Maybe this is just me reading too deeply into what you wrote, but if Bush is impeached (which he will most likely will not be), how does that impact the decision that if a preemptive strike is necessary, the next adminstration wont do it?

As far as the $10,000 payments to the families of suicide bombers, the Saudi's engage in this practice too and theyre supposed to be our allies. Yet, of the 19 hijackers, 15 were Saudi's.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Drew and Obama's take on conspiracy theories. While they do allow a nice outlet for creativity, they often misinterpret or completely omit facts.

Lou, the video you're referring to is most likely "Loose Change", which is by far the most compelling and successful conspiracy documentary on 9/11 in circulation. It gained its popularity on YouTube a couple of years ago and mushroomed from there. But even the guys that created Loose Change have revised it (there's a 2nd edition DVD available) to account for theories that have since been debuffed. They're even in the process of creating a 3rd edition which only focuses on the Pentagon attack. In other words, they've completely walked away from the notion that the World Trade was taken down by a controlled demolition. That was pretty much their central theme on the original version of the documentary. Popular Mechanics magazine did an excellent counter-conspiracy piece on Loose Change and basically responded to every last one of the allegations in Loose Change. You should take a look at it.

The biggest problem with conspiracy theories is that no one is accountable for them. Any one can create a theory knowing that it can eventually sustain itself through hearsay, misinformation or straight up paranoia. I don't think that keeps anyone informed on what could happen. If anything, more people need to be informed on what ACTUALLY IS happening. This way, we wouldn't be electing incompetent individuals to the highest seats of government.

Martin, while I'm not ready to say that the Bush administration allowed 9/11 to happen in order to invade Iraq (although, it may be a distinct possibility), I do think that their actions in Iraq are indicative of their methodology in responding to every major challenge they've had to address: misinformation; cronyism; fear mongering; unilateral decision making; corporate greed; etc. That alone is enough reason to evoke the term "impeachment" without blinking an eye. You're right in that the entire world community thought Iraq had the materials to create nuclear weapons. The difference is that the rest of the world didn't act unilaterally and arrogantly. This administration did and used 9/11 to justify each one of their misteps. I think that's what most people are responding angrily about.

Anonymous said...

Luis, it would be more accurate to say that the 9/11 Commission felt that there was not enough evidence to prove that Saddam had something to do with the attacks on that fateful day.

We did not attack Iraq because of any evidence suggesting that he was involved with 9/11. It was honestly believed by the majority of humanity (including Saddam) that Iraq was in hot pursuit of nuclear weapons and the UN could not confirm whether or not Iraq had destroyed vast stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons. Add to this a global intelligence failure and Saddam’s increasingly hostile rhetoric, and he was doomed.

Regardless of where you consider the bar to be, certainly you can see that whenever a President’s powers (particularly wartime powers) are inhibited or even contested by Congress, it adversely affects the ability of not just the current President, but future President’s to adequately protect the United States. The left leaning folks in the American political spectrum have been all too eager to crucify Bush primarily because of the use of preemptive force. The debate over “Jus ad bellum” will continue, but future politicians are going to be more likely to place the bar of evidence way to high to ever be met by practical means, and in doing so they risk waiting too long.

Saudi Arabia is a crucial ally in the region an has proven it’s worth to America time an again. Aside from that they are morally inconsistent and have even exhibited from time to time what I call “Diabolical Genius”. Such is the case with the failed woman’s rights movement there. Woman were boycotting the buses (not legally permitted to drive) and the police could not seem to bring the movement to an end neither by intimidate nor physical violence. The powers that be had a flash of “diabolical genius” when they decided that every time they found a woman driving, they would go arrest her husband and beat him to a pulp. The woman’s movement died almost overnight.

Big Is, you seem to be of the opinion that countries that lack the strength of their convictions should be considered morally superior to countries like the United States that are willing to be the world’s police. More often than not we have little choice but to take on distasteful projects around the world, primarily since the majority of the world would suffer Armageddon rather than take any proactive measures that they could otherwise force onto the U.S. by the mere act of inaction.

Drew said...

I totally understand your point, Martin, and thinking about situations like World War 2, I do believe inaction can sometimes lead to terrible occurrences. Therefore, I do believe taking action has its merits, and lets say for the sake of discussion, invading and occupying Iraq was the right decision. What I don't understand is how you have the stomach to accept the ineptitude of Pres. Bush's administration. I saw this documentary, "No End In Sight," and it really informed me to how many terrible decisions were made in the earlier steps of the war. The debatthification, the disbanding of the Iraqi military, the ignoring of the Iraqi museums, the creation of a green zone literally in Saddam's old palace. Now if you are a kid and this terrible tyrant has lived in a palace for years, and another country comes to take his place: how safe would you feel with the new leaders calling the same place home as the old tyrant who killed your father and mother? These were bad decisions, and I agree leaders have made mistakes in all wars (think about how many Generals Lincoln went through before he found Grant.), but there were Republicans warning the administration about the illogic of what they were doing. I think you are trying to downplay the mistakes, but the Iraq War has cost many needless lives because of avoidable decisions. This is the arrogance, Iz is speaking to, not the decision to go to war (a bad one in my opinion), but the lack of proper planning or consideration; ignoring experts who worked for the president's own father. These are mistakes with the War; I won't even mention the damage he has done domestically. This guy has made so many mistakes. Cronyism has run out of control with this guy. Think about it: he tried to place someone from his own administration into the Supreme Court. Harriet Miers...even other conservatives were outraged. This is not a partisan issue in my mind. I think you are an intelligent guy, Martin, and I love that we are talking across the aisle, honestly and without needless derision, but you gotta let go of the dream of the tough cowboy, I'm sorry. Bush is no John Wayne. He’d be the idiot, arrogant General in the Western. Really he doesn’t even belong in that genre; he needs to be the leading actor in a comedy of errors.

Anonymous said...


I'm of the opinion that terrorism is a global challenge that necessitates a global strategy, which SHOULD include global participation and accountability. Isn't this the fundamental reason why the United Nations was created after World War II? To prevent a singular nation, or handful of nations, from acting unilaterally at the expense of other nations and backed by a global police force? The United Nations (for better or worse) IS the police force, NOT the United States. President Bush (pre 9/11) was calling for Israelis to put aside the losses they suffered from terrorism at the hands of Palestinians and look to work towards a common understanding. He then turns around and does the complete opposite after we were attacked.

I don't consider countries that choose to use military force as a last resort as lacking the strength to match their convictions; but let's say we do take on the thankless burden of being the world's police. Don't you think it's more prudent (and costs far less lives and resources) to use diplomacy FIRST as a tool rather than threats, military intervention and/or occupation? More importantly, where are this administration's convictions on issues like poverty, health care, homelessness and the ever-growing wealth gap (to say nothing about the environment). Those challenges pose a bigger threat to this country's economic prosperity than any terror threat short of a mass nuclear attack.

I grant that making decisions in the highest levels of office is a very challenging proposition. Usually, you're operating in such grey areas that virtually every decision has negative implications. Consider American presidents that have presided over this country during its most challenging periods (Lincoln, FDR, etc.). What's their legacy? What's George W. Bush's? Domestically and internationally?

To echo Drew's point, I enjoyed your post, Martin. Thanks for taking part.

Anonymous said...

Luis, I have been fortunate in so far as President Bush’s actions haven’t caused me much gastrointestinal discomfort. Seriously though, you are absolutely correct about mistakes being made. My contention is that Presidents that are called upon to use force invariably make mistakes and that it has become more and more acceptable to slander, defame and otherwise disparage our leaders in the most vile and vindictive manner. When President Clinton began the bombing campaign in Bosnia, I remember how disappointed I was in my fellow conservatives for attacking his motives and further eroding his credibility at a time of conflict. I have been watching the same thing happening on a constant basis to President Bush since before 9/11 and yet it can hardly be said with any sincerity that one acted more or less honorably than the other. Clinton acted in the best interests of our country, of this I am certain, and Bush has in his turn, done his very best to protect the country from a threat that few Americans can adequately understand.

Big Is, Ive got to run to the store, be back soon to reply...thanks

Anonymous said...

I have no faith in the United Nations as the world police or even as a mechanism for furthering reasonable debate because they are so easily manipulated by countries that view diplomacy as a weakness to be taken advantage of and because the body is inherently corruptible due to its intrinsically bureaucratic nature.

Nations that view sanctions as threatening foreign contracts and meaning less money in their own coffers tend to vote against such measures making hostilities so much more likely than they would otherwise be. In my mind the United Nations is prejudiced against it’s largest supporter (United States) and this is obviated by the fact that their has never been a Secretary-General from North America!

Diplomacy is the cornerstone of western democracies, but to hear the Diplomats of countries like Iran or Syria or even China and Russia speaking in what they consider diplomatic prose, leaves one with the distinct impression that they don’t consider diplomacy to be a serious endeavor at all.

Recently Germany, by way of Merkel, announced that they would no longer support more sanctions against Iran, much to the shock and dismay of pretty much every American diplomat. The most likely result of this about-face is that the U.S. Department of State is less likely to even attempt a costly and most likely to be doomed before it begins, new round of sanctions. This is what I mean about other countries forcing, through their own inaction, much more serious actions by the United States. If sanctions and resolutions cannot be attained let alone enforced, hostilities are a foregone conclusion.

To “Diet Bacon”, “Andre”, “Ron”, “Luis M. Espinoza”, “A. Colom”, “Gary” and “Big Is” I would like to say… Thank You!!! This has been an educational, enlightening and above all, a wonderfully civil debate about very complicated and emotionally charged issues. Please feel free to e-mail me directly at Mr.Martin.Sims@gmail.com should you desire to.

Drew said...

Am I out of my mind, or have I really been convinced by Martin. This guy makes some compelling points. To be honest I have always seen the United Nations as pretty worthless. Even back when they were the League of Nations and couldn’t stop WW2 not even that long after the pointless WW 1, and throughout history, their greatest weakness has been that they are essentially a large bureaucracy at best and a debate team at worst. Not to say they have never done good, but they have been associated with serious blunders, and they can't create a coherent identity. They accuse us of barbarism, while allowing that very thing to go unchecked under the guise of multiculturalism. Think about what has happened in Africa, Southeast Asia, China under their so called watch. The UN wasn’t able to prevent any of that stuff.
That said, I think the Bush administration makes the UN look like super heroes. We are not talking about mistakes; we are talking about serious misjudgment. When one screws up at his job, he get fired. You and I are held accountable for our performance. Bush can't be fired. He won a close second election, strongly because Americans don't like to change Presidents during a war, and now almost everybody has realized this guy is a colossal failures. We can't fire him, but we can protest against him, ridicule his arrogance and posturing. This guy gets it pretty bad, but he isn't crying himself to sleep. The great thing about this country is we have a tradition of holding our leaders to high standards. I think Bill Clinton accomplished a lot, but Republicans hold him critique him with strong evidence of his errors. This is a good thing. The jokes and conversation can sometimes be a deafening scream, but I prefer that to citizens scared to make jokes about its leaders.

Anonymous said...

A. Colom, Aren’t our mistakes the direct results of the misjudgments that we have made? The seriousness of the misjudgment certainly determines in large part the seriousness of the results, however, one must consider the complexity of the issue at hand and the motivations of the person making the decision in question. Words such as “mistake” and “misjudgment” inherently suggest a lack of malice on the part of the decision maker. So at some level I must expect that we can all differentiate between honest mistakes and the malice of forethought…

This brings to mind a news report that caught my attention a few days ago. It involved a soldier back from Iraq. He is sitting at home when a child comes to him begging for the man to come to his home and help his mommy. The soldier immediately follows the boy to his home and finds the child’s father assaulting the boy’s mother and grandmother. The soldier does what any good person would do and confronts the boy’s father. The soldier is then attacked by the boy’s father and in defending himself, is forced to strike the father several times. When the police finally arrive, the father is allowed to press charges against the soldier for assault, whereupon the soldier is arrested and (as far as I know) remains in jail awaiting arraignment. The mother and grandmother would not press charges against the woman beater, and so he was not even arrested or charged with a crime. The soldier has stated quite clearly that if confronted with the same circumstances again, he would do again exactly what he did. The soldier (to my way of thinking) acted honorably and ethically and yet he is technically a criminal. Who is at fault in this scenario? Did the soldier do the right thing? What would you have done?

Anonymous said...

I concede that the United Nations has it's fair share of problems. It's the reason I wrote "for better or worse" in parenthesis in my last post. Some say that countries like the U.S., France and Britian have way too much influence; to say nothing about its beauracracy. But the problems we're referring to here have everything to do with running a democracy. It's very hard work. WE haven't even perfected it.

Some of the things you guys bring up as UN failures are what a lot of peopole would say about the Federal government and/or any one of the three major branches of government. You know how time-consuming and laborious it is to get a simple bill passed these days? Better yet, what happened with Katrina has EVERYTHING to do with government mismanagement and breakdown of communication at every level of government.

What does this mean for us in practical terms? Having the U.S. police the world on a case-by-case basis is a dangerous proposition. It's akin to states operating outside of the federal government because they can get things done faster and with less trasparency. I think we've been down this road before.

I wouldn't compare the UN to the League of Nations, Drew. The League of Nations had no policing power and membership was sparse compared to the UN. They were never able to intervene in world affairs meaningfully. Say what you want about the UN but they at least prevented an Iraq "quagmire" for more than 10 years until Bush acted unilaterally; something the League of Nations would've never been able to do.

I understand your points about the UN but, again, what's the alternative? Either work within it or have everyone fend for themselves.

Luis M. Espinoza said...

No one here, from what I've read, believes that the U.N. is the answer for the World's ills. However, as Is pointed out, its not a good idea to have the US police the world on a case-by-case basis. You start to invite some pretty serious inquiries as to why you are doing what you are doing.

No one in the world believes - and why should we care, we're Americans right? - that we are there for humanitarian reasons as we have tried to sell it, probably most vocally on FOX news.

Why aren't we in Darfur? If there ever was someplace that needed the US, its there. Our country is inviting the sort of criticism that would suggest that we are not there because we wouldn't get any valuable resources out of it. As opposed to the big money-making quagmire we're stuck in now, right?

Martin, I think there is a misunderstanding as to why we are angry. We are not blasting the Bush administration for merely making a mistake, its the arrogance, ignorance, brashness and refusal to acknowledge their mistakes with which we have issue. And this goes without mentioning the corruption that has been rampant throughout.

If we want the troops to come home, we don't support the troops. If we question the decisions by this administration, we're Anti-Freedom. This administration has become a punchline all by their doings. We didn't need any help. Don't you think its sad that the word "freedom" doesn't carry as much weight as it once did. Freedom from England, freedom from slavery, freedom to pursue your hopes and dreams. Because of the way that they have bandied the word about, it means nothing now.

These are a few of the quotes that I have found in response to your statement, "vast amounts of chemical and biological weapons were never accounted for by Iraq or the United Nations. Last is the basic fact that all of the intelligence agencies around the world were saying pretty much the same thing. It would seem that the agencies were vetting information through each other rather than vetting the sources of the information itself." I would ask then, how do you explain these statements:

"We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since (Operation) Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs..." — George Tenet, February 2001

"He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors." — Colin Powell, February 2001

"We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt." — Condoleezza Rice, July 2001

"Russia does not have in its possession any trustworthy data that supports the existence of nuclear weapons or any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we have not received any such information from our partners as yet." — Vladimir Putin, October 2002

"We would like to see undeniable proof. We have not seen any reason so far to undercut the inspection process." — Sergey Lavrov, January 2003

"I have no evidence that these weapons exist in Iraq." — Jacques Chirac, February 2003

"In this democracy my generation has learnt, you have to make the case, and to make the case in a democracy you have to be convinced yourself, and excuse me, I am not convinced. This is my problem and I cannot go to the public and say, 'well, let's go to war because there are reasons and so on,' and I don't believe in [them]." — Joschka Fischer, February 2003

"Iraq probably has no weapons of mass destruction in the commonly understood sense of the term - namely a credible device capable of being delivered against a strategic city target." — Robert Cook, March 2003

Now, that doesn't sound like universal agreement, to me, in the least. Which would explain why our Coalition of the Willing, was so small.

What you posted in response to my question as to whether or not you think this administration lied about links between Iraq and 9/11 were a little puzzling. You didn't say whether you believed they did or not. This is what Cheney said to Tim Russert on "Meet the Press" (of which im a big fan)on 9/16/01:

MR. RUSSERT [Meet the Press]: Do we have any evidence linking Saddam Hussein or Iraqis to [9/11]?


And as for the other fabricated link between Iraq and one of the hijackers, Mohammed Atta:

"Vice President Cheney tells Tenet about a report that one of the hijackers, Mohammed Atta, met with senior Iraqi intelligence officials in Prague. Tenet promises to investigate. Two days later, Tenet reports back: CIA's Prague office thinks the Atta story "doesn't add up." Moreover, the intelligence community knows that Atta's credit card and phone were used in Virginia during the period in question. Cheney, however, will continue to cite the alleged meeting in public appearances."

This whole war and the "mistakes and oversights" associated with it stinks to high heaven Martin. I don't know how it doesn't smell like that to you.

And I thank you too for writing here and joining our little cypher on politics. Do you like sports and quality hip-hop too?

Anonymous said...

Goodness gracious... These are some very well considered points, and a good number of facts and statements for me to counter. Please bear with me and be patient while I compile an adequate statement worthy of your respective intellects and political aptitudes.

While you await my full response, I would be very interested in your opinions regarding the actions of and reactions to the soldier mentioned in one of my earlier posts…

Luis M. Espinoza said...

I thought that he was right in hitting the guy. Upon reading the article though, it sounds like according to witnesses, after he got the guy on the ground, he kept pummeling him. Please do not take that to mean I'm protecting him. Just that he was not an innocent. I think the guy should be castrated for hitting his wife and mother-in-law. You shouldn't hit a woman. At least thats how I feel. However, no marks were found on either woman. The kid was probably reacting - you cant blame him - the way he did because they have had domestic violence (DV) issues in the past. The soldier stepped into a bad situation. Unfortunately, the women aren't backing him up and neither is the physical evidence. The guy should have called the cops before he stepped into the house. This is a very litigious society we live in and you can't mess around when its not someone you know personally and, specifically, know their story. After the guy charged the soldier and the father was on the ground, he shouldn't have kept punching him.

Thats my take.

Drew said...

Well, in this situation, I think it is appropiate for the U.S. to deal with this situation carefully. Because of past situations, I understand the military investigating this case thoroughly. Whenver you are the occupier of a country, you have to be careful not to look like an opressor. I hope this soldier gets a fair trial and a chance to face a reasonable judgement, however, i think he unfortunately has to be held to a high standard.

as far as Lou's arguemnt about the U.S. not protecting Darfur and other countries, I never really think that arguement is substantial. The U.S. can intervene in a international matter of importance to us, and not intervene in one that doesnt. I understand that the Bush Adminstration says we wanted to bring Iraq democracy, but that wasnt the original reason for going over there. It was a preemptive decision to protect ourselves and the world against the potential large scale weapons Saddam might use against us. it was very much an acknowledged move of self-interest. No weapons were over there, Bush changed his rhetoric, but real conservatives hate this world police rhetoric more than anyone. I think the US should restrict itself to humintarian aid instead of military intervention during these crises that have nothing to do with us. (lets be frank. we have nothing to do with the Sudan. Its isnt our responbility. Also, we took refuggees and gave them citizenship. How much are we suppose to do? How much is Australia doing?) I hate the idea of the US as the world's police. The only reason i critiqued the UN is that they should be the world police, but they hesitate to ever use any force to such an extent that i understand going around them on occasion.(this is what reminds me of the league of nations, which is the literal precuror to the UN.) But i agree strongly with Iz that this adminstration is more inept than the UN. I still find myself pretty disappointed with that org, too, though.

Anyway, I don't think the U.S. should be in Darfur. Troops are not even needed. Wouldnt enforced embargos and sanctions do the job there. Plus, everybody knows China is funding and arming these militias, because they want to control the oil there. To really solve the issue we would have to threaten China. I am no expert on this; if anyone wants to correct me, feel free.

Anonymous said...

Big Is, the primary concern with the United Nations is that it makes hostilities more likely because of the selfish interests of the majority of the Nations that are parties to the system. My example of Merkel and the German government is to clearly point out why the United States must act in its own best interest, often at the expense of international respect and appreciation. The Germans may have made new sanctions against Iran an impossibility or in the least an unreasonable gambit based on the time, exertion and manpower involved with such efforts. The German government has not been bashful about the fact that while they will not support new sanctions, they will also not support military action, at least not officially. Unofficially they will be popping Champaign corks the moment our first bombs land on Iranian soil. To my way of thinking, this is despicable!!! They agree that something must be done, they know that impeding the sanctions process will provoke more direct methods of engagement by the United States, and they are telling us up front that while they will be thrilled that the menace has been dealt with, Germany will officially condemn the United States for its actions. That pretty much sums up the United Nations from my point of view.

Policing the world is not a piecemeal endeavor. Where the United States is concerned it is purely a matter of realities on the ground, our international interests and allies and ultimately our national security. I believe that we should be in Darfur and the Sudan for the mere fact that nobody else is willing to. I believe that when a good person sees evil, he or she confronts it, regardless of the personal costs. This is what we call character. It is the foundation of ethical philosophies the world over, and yet the United States and Britain seem to be the only ones that have truly learned such lessons and indeed live by them.

The idea of abolishing the UN is particularly appealing to me because it would destroy the ability that many member nations now have to play the diplomatic card and prolong the abuses, injustices and hostilities that too many nations have made their stock in trade. When any nation puts economic desires above the pains and suffering of real people, it is time for those forces of good that exist to come together or fight independently to abolish such governments.

Luis, why aren’t we in Darfur? I must assume that it is because the war on terror has us spread fairly thin, however, it is my belief that we should have been there from the beginning, even if it meant going in with limited resources at first. We have a duty to ourselves as individuals and as a nation to live and die by our ideals. We should want to do good even if other people and nations are going to cast aspersions on us. We must never stop building simply because there are those that would destroy what we have built. We cannot allow ourselves to stop being proud of our accomplishments because others are going to be jealous. No!!! We must build, and we must protect the weak and the down trodden, and we must be capable of patting ourselves on the proverbial back for doing the right things even when, or especially when other peoples and nations would try to convince us that we are the problem and not the solution.

I cannot imagine a President of these United States bowing to the opposition of their ideas and ideals by providing ammunition to a host of individuals, organizations and nation states. The opposition party (democrat or republican) has always been quite capable of bashing the President of our country, and has in fact been quite energetic in their pursuit of the disgrace and humiliation of our sitting presidents, even in times of strife and war. I do not believe that it serves our nation to do such things to sitting presidents. I believe that it only serves the cause of strife and the enemies on which we wage war. I can understand how such political speak could make one seem to be arrogant, brash or even ignorant of their actions and the existence of causality. However, to acknowledge ones mistakes in an environment such as I have described above would be much more irresponsible that the alternative.

If we truly support the troops then we should listen to the troops. The overwhelming majority of our troops believe that we are doing the right thing by being in Afghanistan and even Iraq. As the proliferation of explosively formed projectiles (EFP’s) and large explosive warheads has increasingly killed their brothers in arms, they have also overwhelming supported the idea of attacking Iran. I believe that the majority support of our soldiers in the field for the engagements in Afghanistan and Iraq is obviated by the fact that we are seeing the highest reenlistment numbers we have ever seen of our volunteer force. These same soldiers believe overwhelmingly that the word FREEDOM cannot lose it’s impetus by the speaking of it. The speaking of such words lends strength and momentum to the ideals that made them enlist in the first place. They have seen the torture cells of Saddam’s government, they have uncovered the mass graves with their own hands and watched the wailing mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters digging through the corpses in the miserable hope that they can at least put their fears of loss to rest. They have seen their brothers and sisters in arms fall in their pursuit of a relentless enemy that hates the word FREEDOM with all their strength of mind and body. They have seen all of this and most have asked to stay! So I must ask you Luis, how do you consider it supportive to disregard these fine men and women and their best judgment in the battle space, and just bring them home?

"We do not have any direct evidence that Iraq has used the period since (Operation) Desert Fox to reconstitute its WMD programs..." — George Tenet, February 2001
Mr. Tenet goes on to say “although given its past behavior, this type of activity must be regarded as likely.” Which is to say that Iraq may have simply become better at hiding its weapons programs and the results of such programs from the west.

"He has not developed any significant capability with respect to weapons of mass destruction. He is unable to project conventional power against his neighbors." — Colin Powell, February 2001. It is important to remember that Collin Powell and George Tenet both believed that Iraq did in fact have WMD, however, they did not believe Iraq was a significant threat. I have a tendency to discount Collin Powell simply because he seemed more concerned with world opinion than with doing his job. My example of this would be when he stopped his approach to and destruction of Baghdad because of the destruction his forces brought to the thugs, murderers and rapists that were fleeing Kuwait on what is now known as the highway of death. He stopped because he was afraid of what the rest of the world would say about the degree of carnage. His decision to stop his attack, is in my belief the primary reason we had to go back.

"We are able to keep arms from him. His military forces have not been rebuilt." — Condoleezza Rice, July 2001. When this statement was made it was widely believed that Saddam posed little immediate threat to the United States, that being said it was just as widely believed based on past behavior and hostile rhetoric

"Russia does not have in its possession any trustworthy data that supports the existence of nuclear weapons or any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and we have not received any such information from our partners as yet." — Vladimir Putin, October 2002. Putin and his official position regarding Iraq and now Iran can be wholly dismissed as disinformation due to the mega-billion dollar contracts Russia held with Iraq and now holds with Iran for the dissemination of nuclear expertise and the construction of nuclear facilities. Russia, like France, China, Germany, and others have made it an official policy to vote against measures that would reign in countries like Iran and Iraq (under Saddam) if it means the loss or restriction of lucrative contracts abroad. This is my answer to "I have no evidence that these weapons exist in Iraq." — Jacques Chirac, February 2003, as well!

"We would like to see undeniable proof. We have not seen any reason so far to undercut the inspection process." — Sergey Lavrov, January 2003. The inspection process and the “Oil for Food” program that the UN put in place were in retrospect a complete farce. The corruption we now know to have been the rule and not the exception facilitated the eventual conflict and ensured the failure of such programs aimed at eradicating Saddam and Iraq as a viable, even self proclaimed threat to the entire region.

No… I do not believe that anybody in our government let alone this current administration lied or even embellished the truth about connections between Saddam’s Iraq and the 9/11 attacks. First of all it was not necessary, second of all, concern about Iraq was not limited to the Bush Whitehouse, particularly since Clinton and the Congress in 1998 signed the Iraq Liberation Act, drafted by Trent Lott and passed by Congress almost unanimously. The act made it the policy of the United States "to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime.

Colom, If not us, then who? Here are the facts… The Darfur conflict is a complex crisis in the Darfur region of western Sudan. One side of the armed conflict is composed mainly of the Sudanese military and the Janjaweed, a militia group recruited mostly from the Arab Baggara tribes of the northern Rizeigat, camel-herding nomads. The other side comprises a variety of rebel groups, notably the Sudan Liberation Movement and the Justice and Equality Movement, recruited primarily from the land-tilling Fur, Zaghawa, and Massaleit ethnic groups. The Sudanese government, while publicly denying that it supports the Janjaweed, has provided money and assistance to the militia and has participated in joint attacks targeting the tribes from which the rebels draw support. The conflict began in February 2003. Unlike in the Second Sudanese Civil War, which was fought between the primarily Muslim north and Christian and Animist south, almost all of the combatants and victims in Darfur are Muslim.

The combination of decades of drought, desertification, and overpopulation are among the causes of the Darfur conflict, because the Baggara nomads searching for water have to take their livestock further south, to land mainly occupied by non-Arab farming communities.

The government and Janjaweed attacks upon the non-Baggara civilian populace have resulted in a major humanitarian crisis. There are many casualty estimates, most concurring on a range within the hundreds of thousands. The United Nations (UN) estimates that the conflict has left as many as 450,000 dead from violence and disease.[4] Most non-governmental organizations use 200,000 to more than 400,000; the latter is a figure from the Coalition for International Justice that has since been cited by the UN.

Sudan's government claims that over 9,000 people have been killed, although this figure is seen as counterfactual. As many as 2.5 million are thought to have been displaced as of October 2006.

The Sudanese government has suppressed information by jailing and killing witnesses since 2004 and tampered with evidence such as mass graves to eliminate their forensic values. In addition, by obstructing and arresting journalists, the Sudanese government has been able to obscure much of what has gone on. The mass media once described the conflict as both "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide," and now do so without hesitation. The United States government has described it as genocide, although the UN has declined to do so. In March 2007 the U.N. mission accused Sudan's government of orchestrating and taking part in "gross violations" in Darfur and called for urgent international action to protect civilians there.

So I ask you again, if not us, then who? Military action is in fact required, and if we hesitated less in dolling out such global justice, governments the world over would be very careful of what they do in their countries and to their own peoples, because they would have reason to fear the consequences of their actions. Just like UN nations that choose money over peace would have reason to fear their own inaction!!!

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Anonymous said...

Nice Article.

Anonymous said...

Good job!

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